But there is a bit of an exemption here. There are actually quite a few college courses that count towards earning college credit. These include general education courses such as English, history, and foreign language as well as psychology, philosophy, and sociology. If one takes a course like English composition, then it will count as somewhat of an experience as it helps students read and write about the language. Likewise, taking classes such as American studies or history can count as having had some college experience.
But what does a degree mean if one doesn’t have any college credits? Unfortunately, without some kind of college education, it may seem like an insurmountable barrier. In many cases, however, an individual is able to receive a job offer without any college education. This often happens when the person has a criminal record that could have made college impossible or a lack of it. This can lead to a job in a field that requires some sort of certification, training, or licensing.
This is not to say that people without any education in particular are not able to do well. Employers are often impressed with people with a Bachelors degree or higher. Having additional education is often a deciding factor in being hired. People with master’s degrees often make more money than people with a bachelors. Employers consider these people to be more qualified and can afford to pay them more.
In addition, some positions mandate certain amounts of experience before they will offer employment. An accountant, for example, usually needs someone with a graduate degree in accounting. The same is true of a dentist. These employers don’t necessarily look at a person’s education but rather how much experience they have.
On the other hand, an experienced person who is unable to obtain a position may be able to get a position that pays a higher salary or involves working with less supervision. Working under fewer employees allows for greater personal freedom and therefore can often lead to greater opportunities. For example, a small community real estate agent may have more time to work with clients and may be able to buy or rent property more quickly and efficiently. She may also have more experience in dealing with financing and negotiating deals for other real estate sellers.
It’s important to remember that most employers don’t have a standard list of qualifications. Each situation is unique and therefore the answer to the question, does a degree count as experience can vary depending on the circumstances. It’s important to be honest with yourself when asking this question. Don’t think that you can put on a degree to impress prospective employers.
What matters most is whether or not you’re able to gain the necessary practical experience to meet the requirements of the position you’re applying for. Some positions require college credits while others may only require job-based experience. There are many other factors that go into the evaluation of experience. If you want to succeed and move up in your chosen field, it’s important that you take the time to research and evaluate all options carefully.