Well, this used to be a problem that used to plague many homes. The home was no place for homework. Children back then didn’t do theirs at night after school. Even worse, parents were so tired they did not even know when their children needed to do homework.
In today’s society, homework is no longer seen as a responsibility. Kids want to do it now, it’s part of getting good grades. They think that if they finish an assignment on time, they can do anything. Teachers are losing the battle for homework supremacy.
Let’s start with the common assignment for many kids. It’s either do research or write a newspaper article, or write a term paper, submit it to an editor, etc. For most students, the idea of doing all of these things is overwhelming. To complicate matters even more, the workload doesn’t stop once the class has ended, unless you’re lucky enough to have an unlimited amount of unsupervised time.
There are times in my son’s life when I feel like I can’t do it all by myself. I will brainstorm with him, but he always comes up with something better or something that I had not thought of. It is then that I decide to hire him to do it for me.
What happens if my son can’t do my homework anymore? I am left with three options. I can do nothing at all. I can try to force him to do it, which is a recipe for disaster, and I can do my homework on my own.
The latter seems the option that would be most beneficial to me. I can take my time. I can be a realist and realistic. I can schedule my time for homework and I can do it in a way that doesn’t hurt my husband and child. If I can do this, then there is no reason that he should not be able to do the same. Besides, what good is a late school night assignment if he doesn’t have to do it at home?
All of these are important things to remember when you are dealing with homework and you realize that your son can’t do it any more. Don’t let that frustration overwhelm you. Try to remember that it is only temporary and that the two of you can figure out a way to help keep each other motivated.
First, let’s figure out how to keep each other motivated. We can’t do our homework when we don’t like it. That is a given. That being said, there are some ways that we can use to make it easier on us and let’s talk about them. We can agree on an assignment and then let’s discuss how long it will take and what you need from him to meet it.
My husband was a little skeptical when I told him that I could not do my homework anymore because I couldn’t get anyone to help me. This made me realize that even if I can’t do my homework anymore, I know that my husband can still help me out. There is no reason why we can’t meet halfway on what we both need to do. If he can give me some extra time to prepare a homework chart, then that would be great.
I also realized that I should ask for his help with my homework. This actually made me a little more relaxed because he already knew that I was relying on him and that was a good thing. Also, let’s face it, he has probably done the homework and now I would have to do mine. So, let’s work together and we can make this a lot easier.
After these two ideas, I learned how to do my homework again. My dad even said that it was much easier than before. It was nice to know that I could do something for myself without asking someone else for help. This way, I can still do my homework by myself, but I can also get some help from my dad now that I think I can do it better.