The most common reason for this is that the person grading the assignment doesn’t have access to the secondary source documents needed to properly evaluate the work submitted. They may be waiting for the final review of the secondary papers from a different institution, or they may be on the verge of issuing a final judgment after having read all of the material required for the assignment. In any case, their inability to check the work submitted online means they don’t have the documents to properly grade the work. In response, many professionals such as professors, editors, and bookkeepers request that the assignment be sent via facsimile. This is normally done within 30 days of the submission of the assignment.
Some instructors make a serious mistake of expecting their students to check their papers after completion. For example, if an assignment has an assignment deadline date, an instructor may expect the student to immediately submit the completed papers. Some instructors will make the assumption that their students understand that a paper will be graded on the basis of its content alone, and that they can complete it at any time before their assignment is due. Unfortunately, this is seldom the case. Most professional writers are skilled writers who do not like to be presented with written works that they haven’t read, particularly if the author didn’t do his or her homework on the material being reviewed.
Professional writers face stiff competition with others in their field for published works of high quality. This means that the best way for them to build a portfolio of published assignments is to do it themselves. As academic editors and instructors know, this often means turning in less than perfect assignments. Some students accept this as the price of getting into a better school, while others are frustrated at having to do it themselves.
Students should not assume that they will receive any kind of support once their assignment is complete, and they must expect to handle any problems themselves. There may be some instructions or suggestions to follow along the way, but students must ensure that they read all instructions carefully and follow them closely. Failure to do so puts both the instructor and the support team in unnecessary danger. The best way for them to do that is to create a do-it-yourself-guide to cover the topic of the assignment, create a separate support-team list for each section, and prepare a separate deadline for each task.
What’s the big idea? Students should know how to approach us if they want to pay someone to do their assignment for them. Instructors want students to do their assignments on time, so they usually offer some kind of guarantee or an alternative if a student doesn’t meet their deadlines. If you’re worried about your assignment being turned in on time, consider creating a separate “to do” list that you can use to remind yourself to submit the assignment by a certain date. Create another set of goals and milestones to keep you on track.
Finally, students should ask if they’re allowed to distribute their final draft as a hard copy or PDF. The internet version is often more user-friendly, since it lets you “share” your assignment online, rather than printing out pages and distributing them. (If you’re submitting written pieces, consider making them available for free distribution, rather than selling them.) If you don’t have the luxury of emailing your assignment to your thesis committee, consider turning in a hard copy or PDF for everyone involved to see before the end of the academic year. It’s a common courtesy to send them a copy via electronic mail, anyway.
For those of us who are writing for money or who need (and want) unlimited revisions, the best option is to submit your assignment online to multiple publishers. There are several established traditional publishers offering such services today, including Reed Elsewhere, Harcourt, Atlantic Monthly, Scribd, and many others. With their permission, you can give them your typed pieces in exchange for having an unlimited number of revisions. Many (if not most) traditional publishers will print everything you write–even the final draft–on paper for you, meaning that you won’t have to worry about turning in anything online and hoping that someone reads it and likes it. This means that you can focus all your energy on getting your paper written, revising it, and formatting it for the perfect publisher.